Business Bites: Twitter Tips, Heartbleed, a Must-Read Book, and an Audacious New Coffee Cart

We’ve had a lot of fun exploring food trucks from the fan’s perspective, but it’s time that I play with this column’s menu a bit. We’ve heard from you loudly and clearly—it’s the business advice that you crave. With that in mind, I’m shifting the focus of this column from the fan’s perspective to a round-up of my favorite business articles and tips from the previous two weeks.

First up on our menu of advice articles comes from the always outstanding Buffer blog. You know Buffer as an excellent tool for keeping all your social media accounts populated—and if you don’t, make sure to sign up for our email newsletter, where you’ll get our ebook showing you how to use 6 Free Social Media Tools, including Buffer. Buffer recently released a long-awaited update to their iOS app which will make on-the-go updating of Facebook, Twitter, and your other social channels much easier.

Twitter is the focus of the Buffer blog post I want to share with you. 5 Tips to Optimize Your New Twitter Profile is packed with tips for boosting fan engagement with your tweets. It’s a must-read for all Twitter users.

This past week we’ve heard a lot of news about the Heartbleed encryption flaw, along with the suggestion that we should change all our passwords to just about every website we have ever used. Mashable put together a handy list of all the major websites that were affected by the flaw. Look at the list to see if your favorite sites are on it.

Moving on to advice, Farnam Street shares a book review for what sounds like the most practical—and fiercely honest—business book of the year (or decade, or possibly ever). The Hard Thing About Hard Things slices and dices the myth of formulas to success, while still offering keen advice for business owners. I stopped halfway through Mashable’s review to order the book, and I have a feeling I’ll be handing out copies to all my entrepreneurial friends (I’m a real hit a parties).

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Finally, on the food truck-specific front, Fast Company Exist highlights a bike-powered coffee cart that has set its sights on replacing Starbucks. Their goal is audacious, the design is gorgeous, and we can’t wait to follow their progress.

Let me know what you think about our new recipe for this column. I take requests, particularly if there’s a particular area of the business where you want some advice.


Image by Filippo Diotalevi, cropped

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About the Author

Mindy Holahan is a staff writer and the #FoodTruckFan columnist. Indeed, she’s a big ole fan of food trucks, particularly if they sell fish tacos. She has a background in the hospitality industry, loves working with writers, and gets positively giddy about the intersection between cooking and science. Follow her on Twitter @HolaMindy for daily bouts of enthusiasm or on Instagram @HolaMindy for her adventures and epic failures in gluten-free baking.

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