Common Goals Food Truck Owners Should Shoot For

Everyone has different goals and dreams in the food truck industry.

Not everyone wants to open up 10 food trucks. Some people do. Some people want to grow even bigger than that.

There are many ways to take your food truck business and not every path is going to be the same. With that said, we’re going to visit some common goals food truck owners should shoot for. And, no, that doesn’t mean owners have to add every goal to their list — we’re just trying to help out during the goal-making process and also map out what’s possible in this industry.

Note: While these goals might be common in terms of being achieved by many owners, that doesn’t mean they aren’t challenging.

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Common Goals Food Truck Owners Should Shoot For

  • Opening Up Another Food Truck
  • Starting A Sit-Down Restaurant
  • Increasing Sales And Making More Money
  • Hiring A Manager To Open Up Your Schedule
  • Being Known As A Business That Cooks Amazing Food And Has Excellent Customer Service
  • Having Fewer Things Go Wrong
  • Not Having To Rely On One Source Of Income
  • Serving At Top-Notch Locations And Events
  • Having A Business That Allows You To Go On Vacations
  • Making Your Dream Job A Reality

10.) Opening Up Another Food Truck

Many business owners strive for growth. They want to build a franchise, a dynasty. One of the first steps in that process is having enough funds to actually make that happen, and when that does happen, opening up another food truck. Like all of the goals on this list and goals in general, all of this is easier said than done for an endless amount of reasons (it’s not easy to come up with money to purchase a second food truck and you also have to figure out how you’re going to manage both places at once). Nonetheless, this is a common food truck goal that many owners can — and should — shoot for.

9.) Starting A Sit-Down Restaurant

Many owners couldn’t open a sit-down restaurant because it was too much money, or they wanted to be able to focus on everything at once, so they went the food truck route. With that said, opening a sit-down restaurant is a no-brainer goal.

8.) Increasing Sales And Making More Money

This is everyone’s goal (at least the making more money part), let alone a food truck owner’s goal. It’s rather simple: Increasing sales and making more money could lead to more money in an owner’s bank account, a higher salary for employees and an owner being able to do more since money tends to have that effect on a business. It can also lead to fewer worries and an owner being able to focus on bigger picture things, such as opening another truck or expanding in any of its forms.

7.) Hiring A Manager To Open Up Your Schedule

This is a very attainable goal for many food truck owners … but that doesn’t mean every owner wants to achieve it. After all, many owners opened a food truck in the first place so they could have full control of what goes on at their business and so they could cook food for a living. However, hiring a manager could open up an owner’s schedule in a big way because an owner wouldn’t, ideally, have to worry as much about the day-to-day tasks, or could simply have a thriving business and just overlook things.

Looking for Food Trucks For Sale? Check out this link for more details!

6.) Being Known As A Business That Cooks Amazing Food And Has Excellent Customer Service

Everyone wants to create a legacy, and a great goal for a food truck owner in the legacy department would be creating a business that’s known for its food and customer service. In fact, that’s “the dream” for many mobile kitchen owners.

5.) Having Fewer Things Go Wrong

This is a tough goal to incorporate because it’s not always easy to monitor or control. So many things can go wrong at a food truck business, no matter how big or small. You could run out of a certain food item (which is likely a blessing, especially when compared to not selling enough food to stay open). Angry customers could arise. Your fryer could break (if you have a fryer). You could get a flat tire. A catering client could cancel last minute. You might have to cancel last minute. A million different things could go wrong, but being able to minimize these failures is an obvious goal to have.

4.) Not Having To Rely On One Source Of Income

This isn’t every owner’s goal. Some owners want to travel from one location to the next and keep things as simple as possible in the process. Of course, some owners also want to branch out with catering services, food truck events, selling product and not having to rely on one source of income in general. The important question to ask yourself with this goal: What service will actually provide value to my business and customers? Those are the types of streams you should be looking for — if you can provide more value, then the money will follow.

3.) Serving At Top-Notch Locations And Events

Sometimes you luck into a good location, sometimes you have to join the “waiting list” before you land it and sometimes you just get it or earn it. The same thing goes for food truck events. No matter how you get the ideal locations and have the pleasure of appearing at top-notch events, this is a goal that many food truck owners strive for — and it’s an attainable goal on top of that.

2.) Having A Business That Allows You To Go On Vacations

Some people start a business so they can eventually sell it (and make a lot of money, gain credibility, etc., in the process). Many people joined the food truck industry because they didn’t have freedom or flexibility in their old jobs. While you can’t just take off a bunch of days if you plan on seeing success as an owner (especially in the beginning), vacations, flexibility and freedom are all viable paths with a food truck.

1.) Making Your Dream Job A Reality

All the money, locations, bells and whistles and popularity won’t mean a thing if you’re not happy, making this the most important goal on the list for many food truck owners. Making your dream job a reality — doesn’t that sound nice? That, more likely than not, is why you became a food truck owner in the first place, and your dream job might already be a reality as a result.

If one of your goals revolves around catering, then we encourage you to read the article below:

How to Run a Food Truck 25: Set Up a Catering Business


After identifying what types of events you want to serve, it’s time to begin considering what you’ll offer and how much you want to change or keep the same from your current menu. Catering opens up a lot of new options that aren’t logistically viable for FoodTruckrs doing street service and events, but it can also present a world of new challenges. There are three main concerns you’ll need to balance: your responsibility to your clients, what people want, and the pace of catered events.

First and foremost, it’s important to note that as soon as someone signs a catering contract with you, that person is no longer just one of your truck’s customers—he or she is your client, and that means you have a much greater responsibility to maintain your commitments and meet the client’s expectations. Don’t offer anything to your catering clients that you aren’t absolutely positive you can deliver—and always have a backup in place. You might be able to easily skip your downtown lunch stop if you come down with the flu (and deal with the income loss later), but your catering client will still have an event full of hungry attendees that need to be served, and you can’t just cancel on him or her. Figure out your backup plans in advance.

If you liked this article, then we encourage you to share your feedback, advice, questions and/or stories below!

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

This post was last modified on February 25, 2025


FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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