It is the practice and purpose of FoodTruckr to help support and foster growth for food truck owners. We want aspiring food truck owners to feel empowered. We want them to succeed. It’s why we created the Guidelines for Sharing Fundraising and Crowdfunding Projects.
Fundraising and crowdfunding (e.g., Kickstarter and IndieGogo campaigns) are viable and powerful means of building the things inventors, creatives, entrepreneurs, and aspiring food truck owners are passionate about, with the help from a crowd of individuals keen on seeing that vision come to fruition.
At FoodTruckr, we receive regular requests to share the funding and crowdfunding campaigns of aspiring food truck owners on social media and other media outlets. While we’re very happy to help support FoodTrucks and the dedicated individuals serving this industry, we also want to maintain our core purpose, which is to continue to provide great FoodTruckr-created content for our community. These Guidelines were created to ensure we’re consistent in our approach to requests of this kind and disciplined in our core purpose.
When we receive a request to share a fundraising or crowdfunding campaign, we’re more than happy to share on our social media platforms (Facebook and Twitter), but the following rules will always apply:
Have any questions about the applicability of your fundraiser or crowdfunded campaign? Please contact us at
Happy fundraising and crowdfunding, FoodTruckrs!