Ways To Gain Your Customers’ Trust At Your Food Truck Business


There are an unlimited amount of ways to gain your customers’ trust at your food truck business.

With that said, everyone’s strategies behind this concept are different, and what works for one owner … might not work for the next.

For the purposes of this article, we wanted to focus in on seven ways you can gain your food truck customers’ trust, and we hope the seven strategies below can help you out in this department.

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Ways To Gain Your Customers’ Trust At Your Food Truck Business

  • Be Consistent With Your Food And Efforts
  • Two Words: Customer Service
  • Keep Your Customers Informed
  • Over-Deliver
  • Be Reliable With Proper Food Truck Maintenance
  • Be Unique
  • Never Stop Improving

Be Consistent With Your Food And Efforts

Customers don’t want their food adventure to be a gamble. In other words, they want to order the same thing(s) every time they go to your food truck business and … get the same thing.

So, you need to be consistent with your food and efforts if you want to gain the trust of your customers. Of course, this all starts in the kitchen. Your food should always be flooding with quality. And that journey will continue as long as you’re consistent with your efforts and continue to put in the work, and also cook every meal with, as they say, love.

Your product is your food, and you will continue to gain and retain customers (and their trust) if you continue to make quality food.

Would you eat — and be happy with — the food that you and your employees cook? The answer should always be a yes.

Two Words: Customer Service

Another invaluable ingredient when it comes to gaining your customers’ trust is quality customer service. This can be anything from being able to solve the problems of angry customers all the way to being friendly and professional when taking a customer’s order.

Whether you believe in the customer-is-always-right mentality or not, you should try to treat every customer with respect from the moment they walk up to your window to the moment they leave.

Just as a friendly reminder, customer service can also take place on social media.

It’s not always easy to deal with customers (especially the angry ones), but these are the people who are keeping your food truck in business.

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Keep Your Customers Informed

This should be a no-brainer, but you have to keep your customers informed if you plan on gaining their trust.

Therefore, you need to tell your customers where your food truck is going to be serving well ahead of time … and then stick to that plan. If you can’t make it to a location for whatever reason, then you need to tell your customers the moment you find out.

Another good practice is letting your customers know what new meals you’re going to be cooking up on social media. And letting them know if — and when — you run out of a certain item on any given day.

Keeping your customers in the loop will not only keep them informed but it can help them feel more involved as well, especially if you have some good social media strategies going (such as giveaways and simply engaging with your followers).


Always over-deliver, never under-deliver.

At the same time, don’t guarantee things to your customers, especially if they can’t be done or the deadline for them can’t be met.

If you over-deliver on your promises, then your customers will be amazed every single time, you will take a big step toward gaining their trust and they will likely come back for more.

Be Reliable With Proper Food Truck Maintenance

Whether you’re traveling to a catering gig, food truck event or just one of your normal locations, there’s one thing that could damage your credibility, and that’s not showing up.

Now, it might not be your fault and not showing up was never your intention, but people are counting on you to deliver (especially if you have a catering job on the books), and if you can’t make it for whatever reason, you might lose customers.

Therefore, you need to be reliable and always show up for events, and you can do that by practicing proper food truck maintenance. To learn more about this essential department, make sure to follow this link.

The last thing you want to be known for is the food truck that’s unreliable … even if you weren’t able to show up for an event or location one time — that’s all it takes.

Looking for Food Trucks For Sale? Check out this link for more details!

Be Unique

This one is easier said than done. After all, you can’t force uniqueness — you just have to be yourself. Not to mention, there are many ways a food truck business can be unique. For example, you can be unique with the food you offer. You can also have a unique and lively atmosphere, which will surely attract customers.

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With that in mind, we aren’t saying you should change up your menu and add a unique twist to everything you cook — unless that’s your strategy and concept idea in the first place — and we aren’t saying you should make your food truck a circus.

Instead, we are saying this: Be yourself. That’s the best way you can be unique.

Being your unique self will lead to your mobile kitchen business sticking out in its own unique way, and that can lead to building trust and attracting customers, believe it or not.

Never Stop Improving

If you really want to gain your customers’ trust at your food truck business, then you can never stop improving, and we’re talking about all areas of your business, from social media to the food you serve.

You always have to be thinking of ways to make your business better. While the food can likely stay the same (if that’s what you want), you have to make improvements to your business. Yes, your product is the main thing, but you’re running a business here. You have to stay up to date with trends (within reason) and also keep up with the competition.

Therefore, never stop learning, never stop asking fellow food truck and business owners questions, never stop researching, never stop incorporating new strategies or tweaking old ones, and never stop improving in general.

The more you can add to your food truck business in terms of satisfying your customers and meeting their needs, the better. That could mean something as simple as posting more on social media … all the way to something more extreme like offering a new service (such as delivery or online ordering) at your food truck.

Inevitably, the choice is yours.

While there are many ways to gain the trust of your customers, and every single business is different, we hope the strategies above can help you achieve this feat.

Looking for more food truck advice? We encourage FoodTruckrs to check out the article below by reading the preview and then clicking on the link. The article in question will further the conversation that’s gaining your customers’ trust, to say the least.

The 10 Commandments of Customer Relationships

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5. Thou shalt be upfront about thy offerings.

Business isn’t usually about generosity or selflessness—but at FoodTruckr, we believe the food truck community has the ability to be successful while playing by a different set of rules. The food truck owners we’ve talked with are genuinely great people: passionate about their businesses and excited to share their creations with others. They do business honestly and with integrity, which means that they don’t make promises they can’t keep.

Some businesses are so eager to keep their customers that they try to become one-stop shops for all of their needs—even though the company really specializes in one particular area and customers would be better served by sometimes visiting another business. You might pull the wool over on a few customers this way, but you won’t earn trust from your fans by neglecting to be upfront about what you can do.

Bananarchy out of Austin, TX has a pretty basic menu: they serve frozen bananas dipped in savory flavors like melted chocolate or peanut butter and topped with sprinkles, nuts, or other treats. Their truck was inspired by the famous banana stand from the hit series “Arrested Development”—and like their predecessor, Bananarchy embraces their simplicity instead of diluting their menu to appeal to more customers:

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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