FS027: How to Keep a Food Truck in Business with Yvonne from Brown Shuga Soul Food

Brown Shuga Soul Food
FoodTruckr School Podcast

Warning: Your mouth might water just hearing about this food truck. Brown Shuga Soul Food has been serving up pulled pork, ribs, mac-n-cheese, and more for nearly four years, and Chef Yvonne Anderson-Thomas is here to share how she’s done it.

Yvonne started out in the restaurant industry running her own brick-and-mortar restaurant. She left that behind in search of a way to keep cooking without the maintenance and financial hassle of a traditional restaurant. Food trucking was her answer.

Keeping a truck in business long-term is no easy feat. Yvonne walks us through how to keep a truck efficient, adapt to a mobile kitchen, and work alongside your family. She’s also got some great tips on where you can turn to find local resources and supportive mentors.

I can’t wait for you to hear some of the wisdom Chef Yvonne has to offer!

Links and resources from the show:

Right click and save-as to download the podcast MP3 file

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image via Brown Shuga Soul Food

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  • Phillius Thomas February 13, 2015, 12:04 pm

    Isn’t one of the greater difficulties of owning a food truck maintenance? Is it more expensive to keep the truck up and running than a “regular” car? Not including the special parts, like the fryers or ranges.

    • foodtruckr February 14, 2015, 3:34 pm

      Hey Phillius,

      Great question! Food truck maintenance is definitely one of the more challenging parts of the business, especially since most food truck owners don’t have a lot of mechanical experience. It’s hard to say whether or not a truck’s maintenance will be more expensive than a “regular” car, as that depends heavily on the type/age/size/etc. of the truck. In general though (and including maintenance for things like fryers and ranges as you mentioned), food truck maintenance costs will likely exceed what the average car owner would spend on his/her vehicle in a year. That’s why it’s so important to budget maintenance costs into your overall budget and to keep them in mind when projecting costs and profits.

      Hope that helps — and thanks so much for reading FoodTruckr!

  • Leonard Parker October 19, 2015, 8:19 am

    Is this site dead now? there hasn’t been anything new since July. Maybe
    you could change the home page from going on vacation to something more