FS029: Food Carting in Style with Nathan Beck from Natedogs


I’m very excited to introduce Nathan Beck, founder of Natedogs. Nathan’s here to talk about something we haven’t covered yet on Foodtruckr: the unique challenges and benefits of running a food cart, rather than a food truck. Nathan also shares his approach to building a memorable, high-quality brand for his cart.

Nathan’s cart allows him to have an even more personal interaction with his customers than he would in a conventional truck. He’s also had to get creative about using a small space, building his menu, and meeting demand—important skills for any food trucker.

Take a look at the Natedogs website, and you’ll see that Nathan’s been just as creative with his branding. Nathan’s put thought into the look and feel of everything, from the mustard labels to the shoes he wears. And it’s not just visual—Nathan’s grown his brand and connected with his community by partnering with other local businesses in some very clever ways.

If you like the idea of a smaller-scale, more affordable alternative to food trucking, you’ve got to check out Nathan and his one-of-a-kind cart!

Links and resources from the show:

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image via Natedogs

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About the Author

Pat Flynn is the founder and CEO of FoodTruckr. He’s a regular ol’ Joe and happy family man who happens to be a successful online entrepreneur. When he’s not building companies, engaging fans, or (most likely) chasing his kids around the house wearing something ridiculous, he’s tracking down a buffalo chicken grilled cheese sandwich from the Urban Eats truck in San Diego. Twitter is his favorite hangout—say hi to Pat @PatFlynn.

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  • Doug Murray February 22, 2015, 8:01 pm

    My wife and I started The Wiener Shack & Grill April 2009 located in Northern IN. We began with a cart serving gourmet hot dogs and expanded into a truck last summer. A cart definitely has its own advantages over a truck but the reverse is also true. We use both to our advantage depending on the venue. The truck certainly has more catering capabilities demanding higher profits.

    • foodtruckr March 3, 2015, 9:10 am

      Awesome, Doug! That’s great to hear. 😀 It’s neat to hear you use both, too. That’s a smart approach, recognizing each of their unique advantages. Happy truckin’!