How To Make Your Food Truck Business More Profitable


We all want to make more money, right? Well, you likely didn’t enter the food truck industry to be an instant success. No, you entered this industry to follow your dreams, to live out your true passions every single day. Of course, making an endless amount of money would simply be the cherry on top.

Therefore, we pose this question: How can a food truck business make more money? How can you (yes, you, food truck owner) make your mobile kitchen business more profitable? While everyone’s situation is different, we are here to help in the money advice department.

In the spirit of that thinking, we are going to unleash some ideas for food truck owners to think about, and hopefully some of these ideas lead to your business being more profitable.

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How To Make Your Food Truck Business More Profitable

  • Offer a new food item(s). Whether you are the only one on the block offering this item or not, it’s important to change things up from time to time. You could also offer a daily or weekly special. This special could consist of a food item that isn’t typically served, or the special could consist of a deal for your customers. Here’s an example: From 3 to 5 p.m., offer a discount on certain meals.
  • Start following the food trends. Analyze what is trending (pumpkin spice is huge in the fall), put your spin on it and then test it out at your food truck. Don’t be afraid to get seasonal with your menu. No, you don’t want to change up your entire menu throughout the year (or maybe that is your thing and what attracts customers), but it’s okay to add new meals as the seasons change.
  • Take your social media game to the next level. Start incorporating digital marketing. If you are struggling to attract more customers, which is leading to your sales and numbers in general being down, then you have to look at all of your options. Your food and menu might not be the problem. The problem could be the fact that no one knows your business exists. In this day and age, you can make some serious noise and get people’s attention through social media. Through Facebook alone,Profitable you could gain more customers, which, of course, should lead to your business being more profitable. An online presence, especially nowadays, is crucial for businesses of any kind.
  • Start adding more streams of income to the mix. It is so easy to achieve this feat in the food truck business. For one, you work for yourself, so you call all of the shots and make the business deals (employees typically work for the man and only the man). Secondly, mobile kitchens can make more money — and gain more streams of income — by catering and traveling to events. An event can be a festival, an actual food truck event, a concert, a wedding, etc. The real question: What are you waiting for?
  • If you must, you can adjust your prices, but this can get a bit tricky. Sure, lowering your prices could lead to you selling more product, but it could also lead to you simply breaking even, or losing money. Nonetheless, a few minor adjustments to the prices could lead to your business making more money, if you do it correctly.
  • Change up your food truck environment by making it more exciting and welcoming. Don’t simply serve your customers food, make going to your food truck an experience for everyone involved. Simply taking your customer service game to the next level could do the trick.
  • Don’t just say you want/need to make more money. Instead, come up with a plan and get very detailed with said plan. If you don’t have a plan, then how are you going to make more money at your food truck? Wishful thinking is great, but taking action is even better.
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Hopefully the information above can help lead you down a more profitable path. Life in the food truck industry is not easy. Not only are you having to put in a ton of hours (that’s kind of a thing when you own your own business, especially at the startup level), but you are having to compete in a world that is gaining more and more food trucks, and restaurants on top of that.

You’ve made it this far, though. Use the information above to your advantage, and good luck out there, food truck owners!

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