Productivity Tips For Food Truck Owners


Everyone is different. Likewise, everyone’s days consist of different tasks.

With that in mind, there are plenty of productivity tips out there lurking around. The key is finding the tips that work for you, food truck owners.

While times get chaotic and schedules and plans tend to take a hit as a result, we will be highlighting five productivity tips below, and we know they can help food truck owners out in a big way.

Check them out, and apply them to your food truck businesses wherever you see fit!

Productivity Tips For Food Truck Owners

  • 5.) Learn The Powers Of Delegation
  • 4.) Test And Eliminate
  • 3.) Eliminate Distractions When You Can
  • 2.) Add Everything To Your Schedule — And Stick To It
  • 1.) Do Your Most Important Tasks During High-Energy Times

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5.) Learn The Powers Of Delegation

Delegation is a different process for every owner. Nonetheless, in a nutshell, it is when you give some of your tasks/work to your employees (or manager, if you have one). Now, when first starting your business, you’re probably going to be afraid to delegate tasks, because your food truck is your baby, and you are probably going to want to try to make everything perfect, by your standards.

While it’s important to make sure things are running smoothly before you start delegating tasks, the sooner you learn the powers of delegating, the sooner you will become the most productive version of yourself. Ideally, you will be delegating tasks to trusted employees. As a result, these tasks will get done according to your standards, and you will also have extra time on your hands to work on other things, or take a much-needed break.

Now, you might not have a lot to delegate at first, and that is completely fine. This is just a productivity tool that so many business owners are using, and one that you will likely eventually use once your business grows and you hire more employees.

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4.) Test And Eliminate

This might sound a little time-consuming at first, and that could be the case. It should save you time in the long run, though, and it will also lead to you having an efficient business.

The idea with this productivity tip is to test a bunch of different strategies, and then eliminate the things that don’t work and keep the things that do work. In theory, you are doing more work initially, but as you discover what does and doesn’t work for your food truck business, you will be doing less work, or putting all of your efforts toward strategies that you know will actually see results.

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Just as an example, let’s say you are new to social media and you don’t know what will work for your food truck business, so you decide to create accounts for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest. While everyone — and every business — is different, let’s say in time you discover you are seeing the best results on Facebook and Twitter. How do you approach this? How about putting all of your time and energy toward Facebook and Twitter? This will make it less of a juggling act when it comes to social media, and you will be using networks that you have actually seen results on, and will likely see more results on once you are putting all of your social media efforts toward them.

That was just one example. The key is using this strategy — testing and eliminating — in many different areas so you can see what the most efficient and results-driven strategies are for you.

Also, there is no reason to do unnecessary things for your business. In other words, there is no reason to do things for the sake of doing them. If you like doing them, and if you are seeing results, then by all means, do them. If the opposite rings true, then start eliminating.

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3.) Eliminate Distractions When You Can

It’s not always easy to eliminate distractions when you have a bunch of people around you, and that can be the case whether you work in a coffee shop, at an office or in a food truck. With that said, you won’t become the most productive person you can be until you eliminate distractions. Whether this means doing your most important tasks when you are alone, or when you have downtime, the choice is yours, but eliminating distractions can — and should — lead to your most productive work, and that could lead to your best work and you saving time.

Tip: While social media is an important tool for any business, and is an especially beneficial tool for food truck owners, have scheduled times to look at social media. During this time, you can do all of your posting and commenting. This will simply make it so you have one less distraction to worry about, it will make sure you give your customers the time of day and it will also make it so you don’t have Facebook and Twitter hanging over your head.

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2.) Add Everything To Your Schedule — And Stick To It

This is a tough one for so many different people. After all, not everyone wants to be trapped by a schedule on a daily basis. Likewise, sticking to a schedule when you own a business and operate a kitchen doesn’t always go according to plan, because unexpected things can — and will — happen throughout the day.

With that said, to-do lists aren’t typically good enough because they tend to go under the radar, for deadlines and timeframes aren’t typically attached. The key with any schedule is to not feel too overwhelmed while also getting done with everything you have to get done with.

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While there are only 24 hours in a day, that should be more than enough time to knock out your schedule/daily tasks as long as you aren’t squandering your time. With this productivity tip, it’s crucial to schedule in breaks and downtime, and to also create some leeway just in case something comes up, which is bound to happen from time to time since you are a business owner.

Motivation only goes so far, and it only lasts for so long. What’s going to keep you going is your habits, and you can create all-star habits by doing the same things over and over again. Yes, this might sound mundane to some, but that’s also how you achieve success. If you add everything to your schedule and stick to it, in time you will achieve success and build great habits, whether you are self-motivated or not.

Looking to take your food truck business to the next level? If so, then The Food Truck Growth Kit has your name written all over it!


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1.) Do Your Most Important Tasks During High-Energy Times

As a food truck owner, your most important tasks likely revolve around you and your team cooking food, so it would be tough to schedule your most important tasks, at least in this case, during high-energy times.

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Still, you can schedule important tasks like making employee schedules, analyzing your food truck numbers, payroll, coming up with new food truck strategies, social media efforts, setting up catering gigs and other important tasks during high-energy times.

Just for the record, high-energy times relate to when you are functioning at your best. For some people, that is early in the morning. For others, it might be late at night. Everyone is different.

Doing your most important tasks during high-energy times can lead to you getting more done during a certain period of time, and it can also lead to you focusing in on the task at hand as opposed to having a million different things on your mind or simply being too tired to focus.

We hope the five productivity tips above can do you and your business wonders. There are of course other productivity hacks and tips out there, but we consider the five above rather essential, and we believe they can help you out in many different ways.

Just make sure to take many breaks and have fun. This journey (the food truck journey, that is) can be a dream come true if you make it that way, and it should be since this is the profession you picked. Make this journey everything you ever hoped and dreamed for, become a productive machine and have fun along the way!

Want to learn how to build a subscriber list for your food truck business? One of our managing partners here at FoodTruckr has put together an AMAZING FREE GUIDE that will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with Messenger Marketing! Click here to get your free guide.

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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