FoodTruckr Heroes: Baby’s Badass Burgers

Tomorrow, we’re kicking off Unit 6 of the “How to Start a Food Truck” series with a lesson that’s all about branding—so it only makes sense to choose a FoodTruckr Hero for the week who’s killing it with an awesome brand!

We’ve written about this truck before, and with good reason—Baby’s Badass Burgers has one of the absolute best food truck brands we’ve ever seen. From their bright pink truck to the deliciously descriptive menu, these FoodTruckrs have made every aspect of their business a reflection of the Baby’s brand.

Check out three of our favorite Baby’s branding wins:

1. The Concept

We love a food truck with a great, consistent design concept, and Baby’s Badass Burgers has one of the best. From their truck to their website to their menu board, you’ll find the same pink hues, pin-up girl logos, curly-cue script font, and proudly feminine approach to bold tastes everywhere. The tone of their copy is sweet and sassy, and their philosophy on flavor is the bigger, the better. This truck exudes its brand at every turn, and it’s something that every FoodTruckr can learn from.

2. The Menu

There are a lot of delicious burger trucks rolling around the country, but few of them have dishes with names as descriptive as the “She’s Smokin!” (a burger with smoked cheddar and BBQ sauce), “The All-American Girl” (a classic cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, pickles, and “Baby’s Special Sauce”), and “The Bombshell” (a giant burger served with a bacon grilled cheese melt on either side and layered with grilled onions). Fans had better come hungry to this truck, because there’s a bevy of beautifully bold burgers waiting!

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3. The Burger Babes

Naturally, no profile on Baby’s Badass Burgers would be complete without a mention of the Burger Babes—the lovely young women responsible for serving up these tasty burgers and delivering A+ customer service to their fans. Though the employees of some food trucks are hired for part-time work and don’t particularly connect with their fans, the Baby’s team is an integral part of the brand experience. In fact, they’re so celebrated that you can read about each girl and learn her favorite burger on the truck’s website!

With a carefully conceptualized and fully fleshed out brand, Baby’s Badass Burgers has gained thousands of loyal fans—and earned a spot in our FoodTruckr Heroes Hall of Fame. These FoodTruckrs have learned how to deliver a unique, memorable experience to each one of their fans, and they’ve done it in a way that is fun and full of flavor. Keep up the great work, Baby’s!

image from Baby’s Badass Burgers Facebook page

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