10 Ways Food Truck Owners Can Break Up Their Days


No matter what your profession is, you will go through the motions from time to time. It’s only natural when you are doing virtually the same thing every day. And, yes, this even applies to people who are currently working at their dream jobs, such as food truck owners.

The key?

Figuring out new ways to break up your days.

In the spirit of that thinking, we came up with 10 strategies below, and we encourage mobile kitchen owners to give them a try when they start going through the motions, feel like they are in a funk, are just bored or whatever it might be.

Note: We understand everyone’s routine and days can be different in this industry. For example, if you are only scheduled to be at a certain location for a few hours, then the last thing you want to do is go for a stroll. We also understand you aren’t just sitting in your food truck for hours on end — you are a very busy business owner. Nonetheless, we hope the strategies below can help food truck owners break up their days when they need to break up their days, and we encourage you to use the strategies wherever you see fit.

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10 Ways Food Truck Owners Can Break Up Their Days

  • Go For A Walk And/Or Hit The Gym
  • Read/Learn
  • Write Down Your Thoughts And Feelings
  • Create Something New In The Kitchen
  • One Word: Music
  • Incorporate Some Form Of Event Or Catering Job
  • Teach Your Employees New Tasks
  • Have Some Form Of Rotation Going On
  • The Big Picture: Focus On Work-Life Balance
  • Make This Your Dream Job In Every Way Imaginable

10.) Go For A Walk And/Or Hit The Gym

Sometimes you just need to get away from the office, whether it’s in a traditional office setting or your “office” is on wheels. A good way to do that is by going for a walk and/or going to the gym for any form of workout.

This type of practice will keep the mind, body and soul happy and healthy, and it doesn’t have to be something that takes up your entire day. After all, you could simply take your lunch on the go for 15-30 minutes a day, go to the gym before or after work or whatever it might be.

The key is just getting away from your food truck, even if it is only for 10 minutes when your lines aren’t packed with customers.

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9.) Read/Learn

The best part about this step? It could lead to you bettering your food truck business (depending on what you are reading/learning about, of course). Another good part? You don’t have to leave your business to do it. You can simply bring a book to work, browse the internet for relevant and informative articles, etc.

A good book can help you escape from the everyday things that life throws your way and can help to get you in a better state of mind. The power of reading is that strong.

8.) Write Down Your Thoughts And Feelings

There are many benefits to journaling, and one of the biggest ones is reflecting. This is a step that not enough people do, a step that we should incorporate into our routines more. You see, most people only reflect once per year — around New Year’s Eve, that is — and while some reflection is better than no reflection, if you make this a more routine practice, you will be able to catch mistakes and problems quicker. You might even be able to stop something bad from happening or turn your sales around well before the year is over.

Writing down your thoughts and feelings might not seem like a major step, and it also might not be the ideal way to escape and break up your day, but it can be very valuable if — and when — you give it a shot.

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7.) Create Something New In The Kitchen

This is the fun part. When things are slow at your food truck or before or after your lines have been filled with people, you can break things up by experimenting in the kitchen. This could involve you trying to make something new or cooking up a recipe you have always wanted to try.

You, more likely than not, joined this industry because you wanted to cook food for a living — cooking food is your passion — and while the business side of things probably tend to get in the way, it’s okay to let loose from time to time by letting your passion shine through in the form of creating something new in the kitchen.

And, who knows, this new recipe could end up being one of your best-sellers.

6.) One Word: Music

While many food truck owners likely already incorporate this ingredient, we are here to say the power of music cannot go unnoticed. Music alone could help you and your food truck team be in upbeat and happy moods, and that could lead to quality customer service. It could also lead to people wanting to come to your food truck or simply having a good experience while they are at it.

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Nonetheless, music can help to break up the day, and it can certainly help the day be that much better.

5.) Incorporate Some Form Of Event Or Catering Job

Tired of sitting at the same old food truck locations and guessing how many people are going to come to your truck? You can really shake things up by attending food truck events or incorporating a catering job here and there.

These types of outings, if you will, will help owners break up their days because they will be doing something new, they will be getting away from their normal locations. Not only that but this could lead to extra money on top of those normal locations.

It’s a win-win all around, really, and we highly recommend mobile kitchen owners searching for quality food truck events to enter and appealing catering gigs to take on.

Are you currently doing any kind of email marketing or social media marketing? If so, then you should also be doing Facebook Messenger Marketing! Click here to find out more.

4.) Teach Your Employees New Tasks

This is yet another interesting way to break up your day, and it could lead to a number of great things.

First and foremost, it could lead to your employees learning new things about the job, which could make them feel more involved in your company. Plus, if they become experts in these new tasks, then you can just delegate these tasks to them and have less work to do or more time on your hands to do other things.

This is yet another strategy that will help break up the day and it can actually be rather beneficial to everyone involved.

Looking for Food Trucks For Sale? Check out this link for more details!

3.) Have Some Form Of Rotation Going On

Many food truck owners might already incorporate this, but here it goes anyway: Have some form of rotation going on, a rotation that involves people switching off from taking orders, cooking food, prepping food, etc.

This could help break up the day because you and your employees are literally changing up your tasks/duties throughout the day, and this could also increase focus and quality of work since the tasks, ideally, won’t become mundane since they are constantly being changed. If anything, it will keep things fresh.

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2.) The Big Picture: Focus On Work-Life Balance

All in all, if food truck owners, business owners, entrepreneurs, etc., want to break up their days, then we recommend them incorporating an all-star work-life balance, and we know this article can help them learn all about the art that is a work-life balance.

In a nutshell, work-life balance is all about balancing your work life and your life outside of work, so you aren’t too overwhelmed by either one and so you can get the most out of life.

RELATED: 3 Ways Food Truck Owners Can Get Out Of A Funk

1.) Make This Your Dream Job In Every Way Imaginable

You likely wanted to become a food truck owner in the first place because the idea of being one seemed like a dream come true. Well, you are your own boss, and you run your own kitchen, so this career/job/passion/profession can be anything you want it to be. On that note, make this your dream job in every way imaginable.

Cook the food you want to cook. Travel to the locations you want to travel to. Enter the food truck events that revolve around your likes and interests. Do catering gigs that you will actually enjoy. Take the winters off — if that is what you want.

While everyone has to “work,” you hold the keys to your career because you are the business owner here, and you should make it everything you ever imagined.

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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