2 Unique Ways To Stay Motivated When You Want To Quit As A Food Truck Owner

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No matter what profession/job/career/industry it might be, everyone feels like quitting at some point.

Spoiler alert: The food truck industry is no exception.

Food truck owners not only have to put in the long hours (try 10-plus hours six to seven days a week) but they also have to run an entire business. While doing this, they have to make sure each and every meal is flooding with quality, they have to train and manage employees (luckily for most food truck owners, it might not be too many employees), they have to come up with social media/marketing strategies — and implement them — they have to worry about sales and the list could go on and on.

That is why some mobile kitchen owners fail — because they enter this industry thinking their cooking skills will be enough to succeed, and that is not the case. You have to be so much more than a great chef to succeed in this industry, and for some people, that is too taxing over an extended period of time. As a result, some food truck owners feel like quitting their dream job, and that is a real shame.

However, these folks need to remember this: Everyone feels like quitting at some point. And if you can relate, then make sure to use the two strategies below to help you change that mindset, and keep you motivated in the process.

Keep moving forward, FoodTruckrs!

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2 Unique Ways To Stay Motivated When You Want To Quit As A Food Truck Owner

  • Change Up Your Entire Routine
  • Try To Make Your Days Easier
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Change Up Your Entire Routine

You might want to quit because you are constantly going through the motions, and you are also in the market for a change of scenery. Before you make a big mistake, which is giving up on the business you have worked so hard to create, try changing up your entire routine.

Make the job more interesting by ripping apart what you do on a daily basis. Create a new schedule entirely, one that will make you more happy. Include things you love to do in this schedule, such as going on walks, hitting the gym, reading, talking to other food truck owners or whatever it might be.

Not only can this be a big enough change for you to love your job once again but it could also lead to you being more efficient. After all, you might notice you were doing something the wrong way, and a simple change in the routine could end up making you more effective.

The key here is to do things the way you want to do them. Create your ideal/perfect day!

RELATED: Why Every Mobile Kitchen Owner Needs The Food Truck Business Growth Kit

Looking for Food Trucks For Sale? Check out this link for more details!

Try To Make Your Days Easier

Most people want to quit because they are tired of working so hard, and in the food truck industry, you will work harder than you have ever worked before. Most owners enter this industry knowing that … they just don’t know/understand how long the 10-hour days will last. For some people, those days never end.

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Making your days easier will surely keep you motivated. Therefore, learn how to make your days easier, and also learn the power of delegating.


Are you doing something the wrong way, the right way or just the way you are used to? Really analyze your situation so you can properly answer that question.

Now, you are a business owner, and you have a ton to do every single day as a result, which means you need to learn how to delegate. We understand your food truck is your baby, if you will, but if you want to stay motivated — and keep your sanity in the process — then you are going to have to delegate tasks to your employees.

Not only will this lead to your days being easier, because you will literally have less work to do, but you will, in a sense, be getting done with more work in a shorter amount of time. You see, the work you delegated will be getting done, and whatever you are working on during that time will also be getting done. Or, you could simply become more of a manager to help decrease your workload altogether, and there is nothing wrong with that.

The bottom line: If you make your days easier, then your job will become more manageable, and you will love everything about it once again!

Looking to take your food truck business to the next level? If so, then The Food Truck Growth Kit has your name written all over it!

Bonus Round: Take Some Time Off During The Offseason, And Really Analyze Your Situation

If you can afford to take the entire offseason off (you know, the winter), then don’t be afraid to do so. Now, if you can’t afford to do that, then try taking off at least a week or two. This will help you get your mind, body and soul right/refreshed. This break will allow you to take a step back so you can really analyze your situation.

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You’re a food truck owner, which means days off are typically not in sight, but when the opportunity arises (such as the offseason), don’t be afraid to take some time off in hopes of getting away from work for a little while. We understand you are burned out, which means a vacation is very much needed!

Looking to build a new custom food truck? Check out this link for more details!

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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