3 Signs A Food Truck Owner Is In Serious Need Of A Vacation


Are you in need of a vacation, FoodTruckrs?

It’s okay if you say yes. You’re allowed to take a vacation. We know how hard you are working at your food truck business, and we also know you probably haven’t taken a vacation in what feels like a lifetime.

With that in mind, we are about to drop three signs many food truck owners can probably relate to, and if that is, in fact, the case, then you probably need a vacation.

Check them out below, and take that vacation (when the time permits, of course)!

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3 Signs A Food Truck Owner Is In Serious Need Of A Vacation

3.) You Have Reached Burnout, And You Can’t Remember Your Last Day Off

When you reach burnout, you will know. There will be nothing left in the tank. Your mind will be cloudy, and simply coming up with the right words to say will be quite the feat.

If you can relate, then you most definitely need a vacation, and you should take one ASAP.

Reminder: A vacation can come in the form of a weekend getaway, or even just a day off. Speaking of which, you are probably burnt out because you can’t remember the last time you actually had a day off.

RELATED: How To Conquer Burnout In The Food Truck Industry

2.) You’re Feeling Agitated For No Reason, And You Might Even Be A Little Negative

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If you are feeling agitated for no reason — in other words, if little things set you off, things that would typically never set you off — then you probably need a vacation. After all, you love being a food truck owner, and cooking food is your passion, but you simply need to get away in the form of a vacation.

If you have the vacation blues really bad, then you might even be a little negative, which is the last thing you want at your food truck, because you are a boss, manager and a leader, and negativity also won’t play well with the customers (or the employees).

Sure, you might just need to make some changes at your food truck business to spice up the environment, but you also probably just need to clear your head in the form of getting away from work for a little while.

Reminder: It’s important to keep the mind, body and soul happy when trying to conquer the food truck industry.

RELATED: 5 Simple Ways To Spice Up Your Days At Your Food Truck

Looking for Food Trucks For Sale? Check out this link for more details!

Side Hustle

1.) You’re Going Through The Motions, And You’re No Longer Having Fun

If you are starting to go through the motions, then you probably need to get your mind right by taking a vacation. When you do the same things over and over again, it’s only natural to go through the motions, even if you are working at your dream job. You are human, and it’s okay to feel this way from time to time.

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Now, you might even be going through the motions so bad that you are no longer having fun, and that is a major issue. You have likely reached burnout city to the max.

You. Need. A. Vacation.

You might also need to make some changes, such as doing more catering gigs, focusing on food truck events, taking a step back and just working your normal locations or whatever it might be — everyone’s situation is different.

RELATED: If Food Truck Owners Are Lacking In This Area, They Will Not Succeed

Looking to take your food truck business to the next level? If so, then The Food Truck Growth Kit has your name written all over it!

If you can relate to the three things above, then you probably need a vacation. Luckily for some owners, the busy season is over, so that much-needed vacation time is finally here. However, if you are still in the process of keeping your foot on the gas pedal, then just know a vacation is right around the corner — if you want it to be, that is.

It’s important to finish off the year strong, but it’s just as important to keep the mind, body and soul right, which means a vacation might need to be on the horizon.

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Looking to build a new custom food truck? Check out this link for more details!

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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