5 Steps To Keep A Positive Vibe At Your Food Truck

Positive Vibe

No matter how passionate you are about cooking and how sales are doing, you have to keep a positive vibe at your food truck.

After all, doing so will lead to good morale all the way to happy customers.

While everyone’s strategies are different, here are five steps to keep a positive vibe at your mobile kitchen.

5 Steps To Keep A Positive Vibe At Your Food Truck

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5.) Remember That It All Starts At The Top

If the boss is angry, a bad leader, unmotivating, etc., then that will trickle down to the employees and eventually customer service. If you want a happy environment and atmosphere at your food truck, then you need to remember that it starts with you, the owner.

If you bring a positive mindset to work, then your employees will like working for you and your happiness and mood will shine off. Of course, the opposite rings true if you bring a negative mindset to work.

4.) Incorporate Proper Training & Feedback

How does this help with a positive vibe? It lays the groundwork.

If you have proper training strategies in place, then your employees will learn more and also see the right way to do things, which can eliminate future mistakes and you having to call out your employees for these mistakes.

Of course, having the ability to dish out proper feedback in the form of constructive criticism can ensure operations are running smoothly, jobs are getting done properly and you aren’t hurting anyone’s ego while making your employees better.

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You don’t want to be a micromanager (unless that’s your style), but you also need to make sure your employees are doing what’s expected of them.

This all leads to good and fulfilling work and everyone enjoying their jobs.

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3.) Create An Upbeat Environment

There are literally techniques you can add that can have a direct impact on the mood at your food truck and create a positive vibe. For example, playing upbeat music, celebrating holidays, encouraging laughter and people enjoying their jobs, etc.

2.) Stay Organized

Staying organized is essential for an endless amount of reasons and it can actually have an effect on the vibe at your truck. Being organized can ensure operations are running smoothly and you’re not putting unexpected work on your employees.

It can also lead to you and your employees not feeling stressed or rushed from things that you can control. Sure, lines are going to get busy and the food is going to have to be cooked as fast (don’t forget the quality!) as possible, but staying organized can lead to everyone being on the same page and knowing the task at hand/what they need to be doing at work.

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1.) Leave Your Problems At The Door

This is quite possibly the hardest step to achieve, for life happens and it’s not always easy to push down our thoughts and feelings. However, you’re the manager, leader and owner of your food truck and you have to keep morale high at your truck as a result.

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As mentioned above, your employees will feed off of you. If you’re in a bad mood, then that can affect their mood, but the same thing rings true if you’re in a good mood.

Do your best to stay upbeat and grateful and your employees will follow suit.

Image by Dharmen Rajput from Pixabay

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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