

Reasons Why We Love The Food Truck Industry

The food truck industry is awesome — there is really no other way to put it. Why do we love the food truck industry today? Well, we will be giving you some golden reasons why we love this magical and delicious industry here shortly. Before we get to those reasons, though, it’s important to note Read more

#FoodTruckFan: Your Approachability Factor

I had a group of friends over for dinner the other night, and we got on to the topic of ordering pizza. More specifically, The Fear of Ordering Pizza. We had so many arguments my freshman year of college about who had to order the pizza, and the arguments were so involved that they usually Read more

#FoodTruckFan: Selling Extras

A food truck saved my bacon a couple of weeks ago—and it had nothing to do with food. As I’ve mentioned before, I live in Minnesota and we’re currently experiencing the coldest winter of my lifetime (officially, it doesn’t just feel that way). Despite single-digit temperatures, there were still two brave food trucks serving the Read more

#FoodTruckFan: Customer Loyalty Programs

This week’s inspiration comes from an unexpected location: my neighborhood’s 90-year-old candy shop. I was intrigued—and impressed—to see an iPad Mini sitting on the counter. The iPad is part of the Belly program, a customer loyalty card/app/email list program that’s popping up around my metro area. Each time I shop, I scan my the barcode Read more

#FoodTruckFan: Getting Unstuck & Finding Your Next Big Idea

Running a food truck is an inherently creative endeavor, from the crafting of the recipes, to creating a visual brand for the truck, and especially to conjuring money for truck repairs out of thin air. Creativity, as we’ve all experienced from time to time, can be exhausting. We spin our creative wheels, but like a Read more

#FoodTruckFan: How to Sell the Cost of Better Ingredients

On Wednesday in the “How to Start a Food Truck” series, we wrote about the importance of quality ingredients. As a customer, I wholeheartedly second that. I’m sure that as a business owner, you constantly feel the tension of ingredient prices. Do I buy the cheap grocery store-quality tomatoes, or do I buy the fresh-from-the-local Read more

#FoodTruckFan: What Makes Food Trucks So Special?

I’ve been giving this question a lot of thought in the last nine months, since Pat first told us about his plans to start FoodTruckr. What is it, really, that makes food trucks so special? It’s food…from a truck. When you break a food truck down to its components, it doesn’t sound that special. In Read more

#FoodTruckFan: Resolutions

Are you the kind of person who sets resolutions each year? I am, from something as simple as choosing a guiding phrase for the year (2009: “Listen more, talk less”) or as elaborate as building a twelve month happiness project (2014). Whether I ultimately stick to my resolutions or not, I gain a lot of Read more

#FoodTruckFan: Winter Blues No More

Winter is a tough time of year for a food truck fan living in the colder regions of the country. As I mentioned last time, I live in the Twin Cities. Today it’s a balmy 11 degrees, but yesterday dropped down to -8, and all my favorite food trucks have parked themselves for the season Read more

#FoodTruckFan: Guilty Pleasures

What’s your guilty pleasure? Mine’s a grilled cheese sandwich: bread grilled until it’s dark and crunchy, cheese that’s impossibly melty, a bit of melted butter on my fingers. As a child, the grilled cheese sandwich was my mom’s go-to meal when she needed me to just sit still for a few minutes; and now as Read more