Five Things We’re Grateful For This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is finally here! As you might imagine, this is a pretty big holiday for the FoodTruckr team. Obviously, we all love delicious food—but most of all, we love having the chance to express our gratitude for all the things that make life in the food truck industry so very special. In honor of this magnificent day, read on to see the top five things we’re grateful for this year!

1. Food Truck Fans

Without a doubt, food truck fans are one of the things that get us feeling the warmest and fuzziest inside. Fans keep your trucks going—and so even though we don’t get to interact with them as much as we get to talk with all of you, we’re so thankful that they’re out there and keeping food trucks like yours on the streets.

Dedicated food truck fans are the reason the food truck industry has grown so dramatically over the past several years, and they’re the reason that aspiring entrepreneurs all across the country are starting their own food trucks with great excitement and confidence. We love seeing how passionate your fans get about your latest creations and your most popular menu items, and we’re so thankful that we get to share in their joy.

2. Delicious Ingredients

Fresh, locally-grown vegetables. Homemade sauces infused with spices and homegrown herbs. Slow-roasted pork and barbecued chicken. Chocolate chips baked into warm, soft cookies with love. It’s not even time for turkey yet, and we’re already getting hungry!

We’re thankful today (and every day!) for delicious ingredients because they allow FoodTruckrs to create some truly amazing dishes. From homemade artisan treats to fresh takes on classic carnival foods, we appreciate all the grocery store goodies that go into our favorite meals. We’re thankful they exist, and we’re thankful that you have access to them. And most importantly, we’re thankful that we get to eat them!

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3. Changing Trends

Though the food truck industry has spread rapidly over the past five years or so, there are still a lot of cities that have notoriously difficult laws and restrictions for food trucks. Unclear requirements and strict laws about where trucks can park, sell, and store their food make it difficult for new food truck owners to get started—and they can also make it even harder for current food truck owners to keep their businesses running effectively.

Fortunately, the trend around the country seems to be changing for the better. Lawmakers are realizing that the people in their communities want food trucks to be around and that food truck owners deserve the opportunity to legitimize their businesses. We’ve seen a lot of cities make strides in their food truck laws this year, and we couldn’t be more thankful to see that life for FoodTruckrs is getting a little simpler in some areas.

4. Innovators

Some people are doers, and some people are dreamers—and we’re thankful for all of them. But this Thanksgiving, we really want to recognize innovators like Roy Choi of Kogi BBQ, the creators of the LA Street Food Fest, and the entire team behind “The Great Food Truck Race”—all innovators that have inspired the rest of the food truck industry to do bigger and better things.

Food trucks are pretty widespread today, but they were still something that most people hadn’t heard of or ever seen in person even just a few years ago. The fact that this industry has expanded so quickly is due in large part to innovators who have popularized the concept and worked hard to make audiences aware of this new phenomenon. Along with the millions of satisfied fans and thousands of successful FoodTruckrs who have these innovators to thank, we also want to express our gratitude.

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5. Our Community

We saved the best one for last! Most of all, we’re thankful today for our community. This includes each and every one of you—from the deeply involved members who are already running their own food trucks to the aspiring entrepreneurs who spend their days dreaming of life as a FoodTruckr. We appreciate each and every one of you, and we’re so thankful that you’ve chosen to spend some of your time reading our blog, following our Facebook and Twitter pages, and listening to our podcast. You’re the inspiration behind everything we do, and we feel very honored for the opportunity to be a part of your food truck journey. As we head into the holiday season, we hope you’ll remember how very thankful we are for you each and every day, and how excited we are to continue bringing you more amazing content that will help you really rock your businesses in 2015.

We’ll be keeping all of these wonderful people and things in mind today as we dig into our meals—and we’d like to encourage all of you to do the same! Then, tell us what you’re thankful for in the comments below or on our Facebook page. We really love hearing what makes others feel joyful and grateful, and we can’t wait to hear what your greatest blessing is this year. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

image by vxla

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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