FS014- What You Need to Know about Your Truck with Felix and Scott from KitchensOnWheels.com

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In this episode of FoodTruckr School, we welcome Felix and Scott from Kitchens On Wheels, a company that has been helping build food trucks for over a decade!

We talk about a lot of important things when it comes to your actual truck, including how to get the right truck, what equipment you need, and we even get into a little bit about the branding of your truck and social media.

In This Episode, We Also Cover…

  • Thoughts on how the industry has changed since ten years ago, and where it’s headed.
  • The #1 most important part of your food truck business that will determine exactly what equipment you need on your truck.
  • How to potentially save money on food truck equipment.
  • Mistakes people make when getting started and choosing a truck.
  • Plus a whole lot more!

Right-click here to download the MP3 file

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode

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Thanks again, and we’ll see you in the next episode of FoodTruckr School! Cheers!

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About the Author

Pat Flynn is the founder and CEO of FoodTruckr. He’s a regular ol’ Joe and happy family man who happens to be a successful online entrepreneur. When he’s not building companies, engaging fans, or (most likely) chasing his kids around the house wearing something ridiculous, he’s tracking down a buffalo chicken grilled cheese sandwich from the Urban Eats truck in San Diego. Twitter is his favorite hangout—say hi to Pat @PatFlynn.

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