FS031: The Community You Build Through Food – with Shiel Worcester of Jam Bakery

Jam Bakery

Correction from the Editor: During the interview, Pat mistakenly said that Shiel Worcester is from Richmond, Virginia, and that her website is jam-bakery.com. Shiel is actually from Richmond, Vermont, and she has a brand new website up at http://www.jambakerymobile.com. We apologize for the incorrect information. Please be sure to visit Shiel’s website and check out all the awesomeness Jam Bakery has to offer!

Shiel Worcester has a passion for building community through food. But Shiel doesn’t just feed her Vermont community—she’s building her business with them, gathering locally-sourced ingredients and connecting with local farmers along the way.

After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Shiel took her passion for baking on the road with Jam Bakery, serving up a seasonal menu of pies and pastries. In this episode, you’ll here more on how she used crowdfunding to kick off her food truck journey and the challenges she faced turning her part-time passion into a full-time business. Shiel also has some excellent advice for food truckers who want to source their ingredients locally.

Sound sweet? Check out what Shiel has to say about building a food truck with and for your community.

Links and resources from the show:

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Image credit: Jam Bakery

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About the Author

Pat Flynn is the founder and CEO of FoodTruckr. He’s a regular ol’ Joe and happy family man who happens to be a successful online entrepreneur. When he’s not building companies, engaging fans, or (most likely) chasing his kids around the house wearing something ridiculous, he’s tracking down a buffalo chicken grilled cheese sandwich from the Urban Eats truck in San Diego. Twitter is his favorite hangout—say hi to Pat @PatFlynn.

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