How To Gain Back Your Focus At Your Food Truck


Are you starting to take a hit in the focus department at your food truck?

It’s okay if you are, because it happens to everyone … in any profession. The key is realizing you are losing focus, and then coming up with a plan to fix this issue. After all, if you are not focused, then your work could take a hit, and that is the last thing any mobile kitchen owner wants.

While there are plenty of ways to regain your focus, for everyone’s situation is different, we are about to cover three ways to gain back your focus.

How To Gain Back Your Focus At Your Food Truck

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Figure Out What’s Distracting You

What is distracting you?

If you want to solve a problem, no matter what it might be, then you have to identify said problem first.

Is it your employees, your customers, your mindsets — what?

Now, while this is a little vague, because there are so many aspects to a food truck business, meaning there are so many daily tasks that a food truck owner has to do, you need to analyze your current situation and see how you can make it better (in other words, you need to see why you are losing focus, and how you can make it better).

Sometimes the fix is something as simple as dishing out a daily task to one of your employees, or taking a break via a vacation.

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Side Hustle

Become A Time Management Machine

If you want to regain your focus, then you might have to become a time management machine in terms of tearing apart your schedule and remodeling it altogether.

That might mean taking some of your work home. For example, creating your menus and crunching numbers while you are at home and away from all of the distractions at your food truck. This little tactic, which many food truck owners are likely already doing, could lead to you doing a better job with the food itself and serving customers. After all, instead of worrying about crunching numbers (or whatever it might be) when you get a short break at your truck at some point during the day, you can rest assured that the time to do that task is already on the schedule (for example, you solely plan on doing it from 6 to 8 a.m. in the morning).

This will help to eliminate multitasking, which will lead to you being able to give your full focus to one thing at a time.

So many folks, no matter what the job might be, have things hanging over their heads throughout the day, and the key to conquer that is becoming a time management machine. Take control of your time. Create a schedule that features everything, that way you know you have enough time in the day to get done with all of your tasks.


We understand that the life of a food truck owner can get rather stressful, but the sooner you take control of your time, the sooner you will be able to focus in on every task, and the sooner your business will be taken to the next level.

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Do What You Love

Do what you love? We know what you’re thinking: I joined this industry because I wanted to follow my dreams, so I am already doing what I love.

We understand that, but we are talking about on a daily basis, not just from a profession standpoint.

Let’s face the facts: People tend to lose focus because they have a million different things on the mind, and also when they are simply not doing something they want to do.

If you prefer catering gigs as opposed to grinding at your normal locations on a daily basis, then try to land more catering gigs — just as an example.

Looking to take your food truck business to the next level? If so, then The Food Truck Growth Kit has your name written all over it!

You are already a food truck owner, so you have the profession thing down, but now you need to work on your life from a day-to-day basis. You can — and should — wake up every morning and do what you want to do. It might take time to get there, but as long as you put in the work now, you will eventually get to live the life you want to live.

When you are passionate about the task at hand, you are naturally more focused, which is where this ingredient comes into play.

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About the Author

FoodTruckr is the #1 online destination for current and aspiring food truck owners looking to succeed in the mobile food industry. Self described “food truck devotees,” the FoodTruckr team enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs, salivating over photos of burritos on Twitter, and long walks through food truck parks. Chat with FoodTruckr on Facebook or check out the FoodTruckr School podcast for more awesome tips to level up your business.

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