Lessons Food Truck Owners Can Learn From A Doer


Are you a doer or are you a dreamer? The two are very different from one another; however, a food truck owner would be doing himself/herself a huge favor by taking on traits of both.

You see, a doer is a person who comes up with a plan, starts said plan and then finishes this same plan. Meanwhile, a dreamer is typically someone who has a ton of vision and great ideas. Unfortunately, a dreamer might not finish a project that he/she starts.

If you combine both, then you will be a visionary and an achiever — it’s the ultimate combo, really.

In hopes of starting off the new year right, food truck business owners would be doing themselves a huge favor by taking some pages out of a doer’s playbook.

Reminder, doers can teach food truck business owners a lot — that’s quite the understatement. With that said, the three lessons below are invaluable, and mobile kitchen owners would be wise to learn these lessons from the doer.

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Lessons Food Truck Owners Can Learn From A Doer

  • How To Come Up With A Great Plan/Schedule
  • A Doer Is An Expert When It Comes To Accomplishing Goals
  • How To Knock Out Work Even When You Aren’t Motivated

How To Come Up With A Great Plan/ScheduleDoer

A doer typically has a great plan/schedule. After all, a doer does. Coming up with a flawless schedule might be half the battle for some food truck owners. With that said, a key is to make a schedule that doesn’t seem impossible to accomplish on paper, which is an area some dreamers might drop the ball on (they tend to shoot for the stars, after all). If a schedule looks impossible to accomplish on paper, then it will be even worse when you are actually living it out. As a result, stress could take over and you might not complete all of your tasks.

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A doer makes this great plan and then executes it, and that’s exactly what a food truck owner has to do as well. You know, if said food truck owner plans on making it to the top of the industry.

A doer doesn’t simply talk about making a new menu, trying out a new meal or incorporating a new strategy in general at a mobile kitchen. A doer actually does those things by devising a plan to make them happen.

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A Doer Is An Expert When It Comes To Accomplishing Goals

Doers are experts when it comes to accomplishing their goals. You want to know why? Well, like the point above states, a doer will come up with a plan of attack.

Most people (yes, including lunch truck owners) fail to achieve their goals because they are going about the process all wrong. They make goals, whether they are measurable or not, and that’s about it. Most people don’t attach deadlines next to their goals, which is a big mistake, and they also don’t even come up with a plan for their goals. How can you expect something to happen if you don’t come up with a plan or change your situation?

That’s the problem with a lot of dreamers. They have great intentions and even say these intentions out loud, but they fail to follow through with those words.

In 2017, mobile kitchen owners need to get very detailed with their goals, attach deadlines next to them and then actually come up with a plan. You say you want to gain more customers and sell more food. Great! How are you going to make that happen?

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A doer is an expert when it comes to accomplishing goals, and you need to be as well if you plan on taking your food truck business to the next level in the new year.

RELATED: Lessons Food Truck Owners Can Learn From Dreamers. Remember, a food truck entrepreneur needs to be a doer and a dreamer. Therefore, these lessons from dreamers are also essential.

How To Knock Out Work Even When You Aren’t Motivated

DoerThis is a big one. It’s easy to say you are going to enter more catering gigs in 2017, but will you actually do it? It’s easy to say you are going to put in a 15-hour day at your food truck every now and then in hopes of making more money in 2017, but are you going to actually do it?

Not only do doers do (if they say they are going to do something, then they do it), but they also work no matter what. You know, even when their motivation levels are at an all-time low. That’s because doers tend to know the consequences if they don’t knock out a specific project. They could get behind on their work, they could end up rushing the project as a result of being behind or they could get fired from said project altogether.

Doers are very motivated people. That’s not to say a dreamer is bad, though, because a dreamer tends to come up with out-of-the box ideas. A dreamer is a visionary in every sense of the word. If you combine the words together — doer and dreamer — then you will get a person who is ready to conquer any industry.

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In 2017, instead of saying you want to accomplish all of these things for your food truck business, start accomplishing them. Become a doer. Make your goals, stick to them and then actually accomplish them. It’s okay to have wild dreams (many dreamers do), but actually make a plan for said dreams and actually stick to the plan.

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