FoodTruckr Heroes: Cultured Caveman

Some food trucks get our attention by offering the most scrumptious, creative new recipes we’ve ever heard of.  Others stand out by offering the best possible versions of classic dishes that we all know and love.

Our latest FoodTruckr Hero falls somewhere in the middle—as “Portland’s First Paleo-Friendly Food Cart,” Cultured Caveman has a menu full of healthy meat and veggie dishes that are totally free of gluten, dairy, and soy products.  We love their focus on nutritious meals that are perfect for paleo lovers everywhere, but most of all, we respect their commitment to transparency and conscious eating.

Here are a few reasons to love these fantastic FoodTruckrs:

1. They share their recipes.  Most restaurateurs and food truck owners are pretty protective of their recipes—but the crew at Cultured Caveman believes that customers should know what they’re eating.  That’s why you can find recipes, ingredient lists, or nutritional info for each menu item on their website.

2. They care about getting high-quality ingredients. Of course, knowing what you’re putting into your body isn’t worth much if the food you’re consuming isn’t very good for you.  Fortunately, at Cultured Caveman, you can count on receiving only the best ingredients.  These FoodTruckrs take the time to get ingredients from local sources and are fully transparent about where your food came from.

3. They have an active community. If you take a look at Cultured Caveman’s Facebook page, you’ll see them following lots of social media best practices such as updates on their newest menu items and short stories about what they’re up to each day.  However, you’ll also notice that they have a very engaged community following along with their cart.  With nearly 7,000 fans, Cultured Caveman gets a lot of comments and likes on their posts—and most importantly, they take the time to respond and converse with their fans.  Whether they’re sharing paleo cooking tips or answering customer questions, these FoodTruckrs know how important it is to build their community.

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With three food carts and a brand new brick and mortar restaurant opening soon, Cultured Caveman has built a super successful business on the principles of a basic, healthy paleo diet—and that kind of focus and commitment to what’s best for the customer are values that we can really get behind.

Any of you who are thinking about starting your own trucks or looking for a way to take your business to the next level should take their example to heart—transparency, quality, and commitment to your fans are the hallmarks of what truly makes food trucks so special.  You have the opportunity to connect with your customers on a deeper level than most business owners can, and the team at Cultured Caveman is proof that fans are eager to get to know what you’re all about!

image from Cultured Caveman’s Twitter Page

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About the Author

Nicole Farley is the Managing Editor at FoodTruckr and a food truck aficionado. A graduate of The University of Kansas, she loves writing, business development, connecting with food truck owners, and cheering for the Jayhawks. Connect with Nicole on the FoodTruckr Facebook page or email her at

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