
Food Truck Industry

How to Plan a Food Truck Business

Are you thinking of starting a food truck? We’ve put together a list of steps to go through before you spend a large amount of money on equipment, marketing, and other projects.  Unless you have a substantial amount of experience in the food truck industry, we suggest that you get all the things below in Read more

Showing Love For The Food Truck Industry

With the busy season right around the corner (for some food trucks, the busy months might have already started), it would not be a surprise to see more and more food trucks hitting the streets on a daily basis. So, with that in mind, we wanted to show some love for the food truck industry, Read more

Why Restaurant Franchises Should Consider Entering The Food Truck Industry

Editor’s Note: Today we’re excited to present a post from Jeremy Adams. Jeremy is the President/CEO of Prestige Food Trucks, which is the world’s leading custom food truck manufacturer. In his current role as President/CEO, Jeremy manages dozens of employees, interacts with clients, and maintains a healthy relationship with all of his business partners. Since Prestige, Jeremy has Read more

Reasons To Love Food Trucks

Why do people love food trucks so much? That’s a question we’ve been pondering lately. We know why we love food trucks, but why do people who venture to food trucks love them so much? Believe it or not, there are an endless amount of reasons to love food trucks, and we provided eight of Read more

What Data Can Tell Us About The State Of The Food Truck Industry

Editor’s Note: Today we’re excited to present a post from Tori Galatro. Tori is a blogger, copywriter, and SEO outreach manager based in Austin, Texas. Her favorite things to write about are film, food, travel, art, and culture. She has a degree in English Literature. The food truck industry is booming and is predicted to continue to Read more

Work-Life Balance Is Crucial In The Food Truck Industry

In this week’s edition of Throwback Thursday, we decided to go all the way back to last year. One might be wondering why, and it’s a valuable question. Last year around this time, FoodTruckr did an article on work-life balance, and the information dropped in said article was — and still is — invaluable. Without a Read more

Reasons Why We Love The Food Truck Industry

The food truck industry is awesome — there is really no other way to put it. Why do we love the food truck industry today? Well, we will be giving you some golden reasons why we love this magical and delicious industry here shortly. Before we get to those reasons, though, it’s important to note Read more

Equipment Breakdown Insurance For Food Trucks

Food trucks rely on many pieces of equipment to operate. From the generator to the grill to the hood to the blender to the compressor to the sink — you name it. If one of these items goes down, it could put you out of business until a repair or replacement is made. Most standard Read more

The Importance Of Having A Website For Your Food Truck Business

When you are just breaking into the food truck industry, the amount of worries are endless. For example, you have to be an expert when it comes to inventory, customer service, sales, social media, etc. One thing that might be forgotten altogether is starting up a food truck website. Just because you are a small Read more

Why Your Work-Life Balance Is So Important In The Food Truck Industry

Burnout in the food truck industry is a very real thing. When you are spending all of your time at the office (in this case, your food truck), it is very easy to get burned out. That is why an otherworldly work-life balance is the ultimate key in the food truck industry. In case you Read more